The other day I was thinking about the average foundation crack which is about 8 feet and about 1/4" wide. If you made that crack into a circle, how big would it be?
I talked to a friend of mine who is an engineer, and he figured out that a crack in the foundation that size is like having a 5 1/2" hole in your foundation. That's alarming!
A hole that is 5 1/2" in your foundation can let a lot of water in. But, not only can it let in water, think of all the air that can let in. It's like having a window open! During the summer, it lets in all that water vapor from the moist air from the outside which can cause mold. It can also let in a lot of odors from the organic matter in the soil breaking down. And, while we are talking about health, radon causes lung disease and can come in through that space. We are also talking about our pocketbooks, and the resale value of your house can go down or limit the number of buyers.
For these reasons you should be alarmed.
If you have any kind of crack in your foundation wall or basement, contact A1 Foundation Crack Repair.