There are two components of a bulkhead.The door itself, which faces the outside, and what that door sits on, which is usually the concrete steps that go down to your basement.
You can do a very low-tech test to see if you bulkhead doors are leaking. Get a garden hose and send someone inside to stand under your bulkhead. Run water on the door and the sides of the door and see if you can get it to leak.
If the bulkhead is leaking, you then need to see if it is leaking where the doors meet, on the door jams or where the doors meet the structure of the stairs.
The next logical step is to take a look at the bulkhead itself and see if they are dented and damaged. If so, you may need to replace your bulkhead. If the water is leaking in the seam where the metal meets the concrete you need to address that. We address that caulking which can give you a few years. If it is rusted, the best thing to do is to replace the bulkhead doors.
There could also be a leak where the concrete steps meet the foundation walls. This is very common. We drill small holes in the and put in ports. We then inject a closed cell polymer resin. This will encapsulate the seals and have elasticity so the steps can move as the soil freezes and thaws. But it will also seal up the areas.
For more information, contact A1 Foundation Crack Repair.