Foundations Leak Where Pipes Penetrate

Joseph Coupal - Friday, February 22, 2013

If you are experiencing water in the basement as a result of all of this melting snow, it is time for basement crack repair. While basement water can come from many sources, one very common source is from water, well, sewer and electrical conduit pipe penetrations in the foundation.

Commonly, do-it-your-selfers attempt to fix these pipe penetration leaks on their own. Not a great idea. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t.

So how do these types of leaks manifest themselves? When a foundation is construction holes are drilled that are larger than the actual pipes that will be penetrating it. This leaves space between the pipe and the concrete. These spaces are (hopefully) filled with hydraulic cement. When it comes to groundwater, i.e. melting snow, this is the weakest part of the foundation.

For basement crack repair, contact A1 Foundation Crack Repair.

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A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.

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Call Us Today at 866-929-3171

A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.